Monday, 19 March 2012

Hollister Haul/ Review.

Apology's for the awful picture quality.
Hollister is fast becoming one of my favourite brands. I can't help but spend my money in there, i'm so lucky to live near one of their stores because lets face it there aren't many in the United Kingdom.

The whole experience of shopping in these stores is just amazing. I know they don't have lights on in their stores but i think this adds to the atmosphere and personally makes my shopping experience that extra bit special. I just love it. Also they spray all of their clothes and the whole store in the signature Hollister perfume/ cologne and i have to admit it smells divine, it makes me sad when the smell disappears from my clothes that i have purchased.
Not only is the experience of shopping in there fantastic but the quality of their clothes is amazing. I mean they deliver beautifully made clothing, made to a high standard and every item is always on trend.

My personal favourite items from their spring/summer collection are the dresses and peplum tops. I honestly could have bought one in every style and colour, i was just so impressed. They're incredibly flattering, girly, pretty and perfect for the summer. I can not wait to wear them.  Each of these items were quite reseanably priced aswell ( i will list prices below), i mean they are definitely value for money and will last me years. Even my mum loves the brand, which is a break through because she usually hates anything i bring home. She was right when she said, ' I would rather see you spend your money at Hollister than at Topshop because everything at Topshop falls apart after a while and there is no quality or value for money from that shop'. As much as i love Topshop, my mum is right, and i think that store will be seeing less of me in the future.

I know everyone these days where's Hollister or knows someone that does but i can see why, it's just an amazing brand that delivers highly all the time. Even if i have no money i still go in to eye up the guys in there, seriously they are gorgeous, mmmmm. But seriously, i would highly recommend checking this brand out, i have no doubt that your'll be impressed and hooked for life.

What are your thoughts on Hollister?

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Vintage Perfume Bottles.

My love for everything vintage has grown immensely over the past years, infact i think the whole country has gone vintage mad. No matter where i am out shopping it's guaranteed that i will a little vintage shop somewhere. I don't know what it is but everything seemed to be better made back in the 19 20's -1950's. There was certainly alot more time, effort, pride and craftmanship that went into everything from clothing and jewellery to furniture and ornaments. I guess that's why i love these things so much.
My passion at the minute is for antique/ vintage perfume bottles. Ever since i visited my auntie's antique shop on the isle of wight and found her collection i was hooked. They're all so beautifully crafted and original, you certainly don't see things like this anymore. I really wish i had a fantastic collection like the ones above but that will take time. If you're wanting to adorn your home with lovely little trinkets then i'd go hunting for some perfume bottles because they look amazing on your dressing table, window ledge or around your home. It just adds character and something different to your furnishings, rather the same old home accessorie that can be found in many stores now.
These can be found at car boot sales, ebay or vintage and antique stores. Keep your eyes peeled.
They really are beautiful.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Vintage Scarves.

I have to say my love for vintage scarves is getting out of hand. I seriously can not be trusted to go into any vintage shop or go to a carboot sale without finding and then purchasing one. I just love them. Here is just a handful of scarves that i have been collecting, trust me there are many more in my wardrobe. I don't know what it is about vintage scarves that i love so much, i just do. They certainly don't make things like these anymore and it's a shame cause they are beautiful and have so many uses.

These three scarves are my absolute favourites. The detail, design and quality of them is just beautiful and these three are definitely the most used out of my ever- growing collection. The first scarf was given to me by my lovely grandma, the second was my mums and the third was a lucky find at a car boot sale. You really can find some little gems at those places.

I apologise for the krapola photos :), you get the idea.

I mainly use these scarves to provide some colour and quirkiness to an outfit. I do this by tieing it around my head in a lovely big bow, or around my bag and also around my neck. I just love the way something so simple can make an outfit and add life to it.
My obsession and collection for these pretty scarves will never stop, ever!!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Disney Couture Magic.

I've always loved Disney Couture jewellery. They design some beautiful pieces that take me back to my childhood and quite frankly i've always been slightly Disney obsessed. I own all the Disney classics on dvd and always purchase the special editions when they come out, i just bloody love them. My all time favourite has got to be Beauty and the Beast, makes me smile, laugh, cry and sing really badly everytime. Perfect.
Anyways back to the jewellery.
The collection Disney has just brought out is amazing, i could buy every piece. My favourite item has got to be the seven dwarves from snow white on the ring, it's just fantastic, and the attention to detail on this piece is outstanding. Infact every piece is beautiful but sadly a little pricey too, which upsets me because i find it hard to spend so much money on something so small. But i think i need the seven dwarves ring it's so pretty.

3D Castle Ring- £59
Seven Dwarves Ring- £45
'Believing is just the beginning' Ring - £30
All from

Take a look for yourselves and let me know what you think :)

Beautiful birdcage tattoos.

I've been toying with the idea recently of getting a tattoo, to be honest i don't think i'm brave enough. But if i do get one it would look like one of these. These tattoos are beautiful and are a real work of art, the attention to detail is amazing. I actually think i'm in love them. Who knows, maybe one day.