Saturday, 9 March 2013

Neutrogena Visibly Clear 2 in 1 Wash/ Mask.

My skin had always been pretty good throughout my teens, and then one day when i was eighteen my forehead and chin erupted with horrible, painful, angry spots. They were more like big red lumps that would eventually come to a head and yellow pus would come out of them ( i know gross!!). I suffered every month for two years with these spots, never having a clear skin day or even month, the scarring was getting pretty bad and my confidence and self esteem were pretty low. No amount of make up would make me feel good about myself. I had visited my doctor a fair few times and he diagnosed it as seborrheic dermatitis and gave me creams to get rid of it, but it never worked. Then i asked him to refer me to a dermatologist and thats where i found my cure.

My dermatologist told me that my skin was very oily and i had built up a lot of dirt in my pores. I found this hard to believe because i had stuck to my Liz Earle regime for a year and cleaned my skin day and night. She told me that i had adult acne and she said that i need to stop using any make up that isn't oil free and ditch my skin care regime and begin using Neutrogena Visibly Clear 2 in 1 Wash/ Mask and the oil free moisturiser from this range. After investing in Liz Earle and a number of foundations that weren't oil free i was pretty gutted and felt like i had wasted my money but i was desperate for clear skin and i took her advice.

So off i went to boots and bought the range of neutrogena products that she had recommended. The wash/ mask claimed to remove impurities and help eliminate spot-causing bacteria with their Microclear technology. It's meant to unclog pores, absorb excess oil and reduce/ prevent spots all in one, too good to be true? I thought so. But i was so wrong, after using this product for two days my skin was looking cleaner and clearer already. Not only were the spots reducing in size but my face was no where near as oily as before and the pores on my nose were the cleanest and smallest i had ever seen them. Even my family and friends commented on my skin and how good it looked.

The product itself is weird, like nothing i have ever tried before. The consistency is quite thick and gloopy and it smells medicated. When you wash the product off your face it leaves your skin feeling tingly and it is a pretty weird sensation but i love it because my skin feel clean if that makes sense.
I use the wash twice a day and then use the mask maybe twice a week depending on how oily my skin is. At £4 this is definitely the cheapest skin care i have ever used and by far the best.

I have now been using this wash/ mask for three months now and my skin just keeps getting better and better. The excess oil on my face has pretty much gone and my spots have nearly disappeared. I never thought my skin would look this good again just from using this one product.

If you have oily, spot prone skin then i would seriously recommend this product, it's my miracle cure for my skin.

Do any of you use this product? What are your thoughts?
Elle xx

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