Thursday, 1 March 2012

Vintage Perfume Bottles.

My love for everything vintage has grown immensely over the past years, infact i think the whole country has gone vintage mad. No matter where i am out shopping it's guaranteed that i will a little vintage shop somewhere. I don't know what it is but everything seemed to be better made back in the 19 20's -1950's. There was certainly alot more time, effort, pride and craftmanship that went into everything from clothing and jewellery to furniture and ornaments. I guess that's why i love these things so much.
My passion at the minute is for antique/ vintage perfume bottles. Ever since i visited my auntie's antique shop on the isle of wight and found her collection i was hooked. They're all so beautifully crafted and original, you certainly don't see things like this anymore. I really wish i had a fantastic collection like the ones above but that will take time. If you're wanting to adorn your home with lovely little trinkets then i'd go hunting for some perfume bottles because they look amazing on your dressing table, window ledge or around your home. It just adds character and something different to your furnishings, rather the same old home accessorie that can be found in many stores now.
These can be found at car boot sales, ebay or vintage and antique stores. Keep your eyes peeled.
They really are beautiful.


  1. the perfume bottles are beautiful :)
    I awarded you the versatile blogger award.

  2. Thank you so much :) and thanks for following


  3. I think I'm going to start collecting vintage perfume bottles now, I love them!
    I've tagged you in an 11 questions tag, everything is on my blog if you want to check it out :) x
